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Proof reader

Texan artist Cara Barer bases her work on taking photographs of the edges of pages, in whimsical and elegant positions. Her inspiration came when she photographed whe intricately bent pages of a wet Yellow Pages book. After this, she moved onto other books, carefully positioning the pages into beautiful designs on a studio black background.
The first was well thought out, dark, twisty and like nothing I've seen before. Great!
The second was predictable, gory, hectic and yet somehow still pretty good.
The third was sickening, far-fetched and a step too far.
So six films later, I'm not quite sure what the producers are thinking, or where they are going. It's not original anymore - hopefully they're not going for a horror version of James Bond, because I'm not sure I can cope with 21 Saw films. Not that it directly affects me, but they're taking up precious cinema slots.
Defintely less a case of 'Do you dare?' and more 'Do you care...?'